just a random day
Not much to report here today as I did very little. The reason behind that is still a mystery…but I could possibly attribute it to my “going out” quite often this past week, and drastically altering my sleep schedule as I have no “wake up” or “dinner” time since I left the Lew house (auntie Nancy and uncle Joey). I’ve been in a more or less free-format since last Monday and have surely returned to the “hostel” lifestyle where I am accountable to noone and solely leaning on my own motivation to get out of my room!
I did find my phone charger today which is at least something…after rushing out of the “posh” hotel on Thurs morning, I realized that I neither had my phone charger…nor my bag of underwear—ha ha (yes, margo, please laugh!! She calls me the “bag lady” as I put everything in separate bags even though they are all ultimately in “one” bag. What can I say? I learned it from my grandmother—and that goes without saying that mother also practiced such strange behaviors of hyper-“compartmentalizing”. Is it an Asian thing? Or a Japanese thing? Hard to say! Hard to say…
As my thoughts drift in and out for the past few day over the subject of “what if I decided to live here permanently”, I keep wondering if this poster really speaks “out-dated” words that still hold some truth in the grand scheme of “life-opportunities” in OZ—or I am just looking for a reason to stay:
the following photo: I have absolutely no idea what this picture captures—it is just from one of my many night-time picture-happy moments. It was taken in front of a smoke-shop, so I am assuming that these are some kind of smoking devices?? Whatever they are, they are awfully cute…(and does anyone know “why” we think bears are so damn cute anyway??????)
speaking of bears: here is one of my favorite koala pictures. I was reminded quite a few times while on the great ocean road trip, that KOALAS are not bears. They are marsupials…and thence have nothing to do with the bear genus—whatever that may be called (I have no idea). We think they are so damn cute, but they are quite aggressive with their long-clawed paws. Perhaps it’s their furriness, their big black eyes, their grossly over-sized-heads compared to their bodies, their massive paws, or just the fact that they sleep so damn much (granted at some points in my life, you could have called me a marsupial of some kind)??? I find it so curious why we have this “strange” instinct to want to just go up to them and cuddle them—as that is not possible unless they are somewhat domesticated. Hmmm…maybe it’s just our secret desire to make everything “domesticated”—including ourselves.
the following two pictures have to be my “favorite” photos so far while in Melbourne. the first is of an emu, looking oh-so-emu-like…with its beady eyes and its long neck—ready to peck your eyes out if you get too close. We were told that they mostly try to peck at your jewelry if you get too close. Smart fellas.
And the second photo i’m not sure why it falls into my one of my favorites. I think it’s the fact that there are two super-imposed limestone images but our eyes tend to try and “make” sense of the different intensity in shadows and automatically interprets the image as an outline in motion rather than two figures in super-imposed alignment:

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