From sun to marbles--the outback is full of wonders
and on this road, we were privy to the world’s largest solar-powered car race!!! SO COOL!!! (and so hard to take pictures of when both vehicles are moving in opposite directions!!)
and if anyone has tried to scare you into not driving on the highways in Australia, it is most likely because of one of these: the road-train. A three-freight-massive-freakin’-truck that measures exactly 53.5 meters long. YAH, just imagine passing one of these babeys!! The wind-tunnel as you “overtake” them, is INCREDIBLE!!!
Road Train Babey:

And as our luck goes throughout this whole entire trip, Laurie and I stayed at the Wachope Caravan Park that night (on the recommendation of Ellen&Peter again!!) where we ended up sharing quarters with the French Solar-powered car team! How PSYCHED was I!!!
Le CAR (Jules Vernes):

L’equipe (The Team):
7 students, 1 professor (from an engineering school in Amiens) and 1 journalist/observer

The next morning, I awoke to a beautiful sunrise…

And the car rose to the occasion as well, as it needed to be “charged” as soon as the sun began to show its powerful rays:

I then took off that morning on a 10Km bike ride to Karlukarlu (Devil’s Marbles): an unusual and isolated formation of boulders that are believed by the Aboriginals to be the eggs of the rainbow serpent.
Karlukarlu against the Outback:
Have you lost your marbles?
There are a few extra marbles in this area, feel free to come and look for yours if you are in the area…
I particularly liked this marble and thought perhaps this was the one I’ve been looking for all along: I call it the Zen-marble
and so the journey still keep going, my friends.
If there is anything I can add to these last few blogs that I have been able to jot down in the last few hours…it’s that I am beginning to LOVE saying: no worries, mate! It seems like such an appropriate thing to say to everything these days…
And well…there’s no sense in me making out that my trip isn’t still INCREDIBLE, UNBELIEVABLE and, and, and…well…just OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD!!!
I am far, far, far behind on my blogs, emails, phone-calls and what-have-you-s. Absorbed in the experience rather than the recounting of the journey, I have been neglecting my connection to most of you lately and I do sincerely apologize!!! If there are any excuses, technology certainly has been sparse these days, but in its place, I have found many, many peaceful moments to meditate, cycle, take unbelievable photos, build fires, scratch my head, stare at cloud-formations, dig deep into myself and introspect even further than I had ever imagined myself finding the time and space while traveling. I am blessed!!!
Peacefully yours, FUJ
latest update: I am currently in Western Australia (the time difference is now 12 hours with the EST). we arrived 2 days ago and are on our way to Broome in the next few days. The Northern Territories were FABULOUS though very very buggy and i have to say it's really nice to be in the tropical heat without the freakin' bugs--it's kinda like CALIFORNIA! we are going back onto the coast in a few days (this time, the west-side) and as much as i have enjoyed the OUTBACK, i can't wait to stick my feet back in the ocean!! we will be traveling down the west coast for the next 4 weeks until we arrive to Perth. So here come the beautiful ocean-photos again!!! LOVE YOU ALL!!! i'll be posting a bit more regularly from hereon, i reckon (aussie saying right there!!!).
Sorry Remie I haven't been keeping up with your blog. I've been so busy. It's so great to see you enjoying Australia. This outdoor adventure sounds like so much fun. Thanks for keeping us updated :)
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