The lion roars
This is proof that i can now officially drive a car here in OZ—even though I really have no such plans at the moment. I am still finding myself confused at sudden moments about the whole “crossing” of the streets process—though as all things go with human-adaptation, the “look right and then left” instinct is becoming much stronger!! Hooray!! (well, actually the other day when I was bike-riding, I absent-mindedly passed a woman on the right and without even thinking, shouted out: “passing on your left…I mean, right, I mean…I’m passing you!!!! Sorry for scaring the beee-jesus out of you!!!)
Apparently, Melbourne has begun a new “public compliance” campaign to try and get their fellow public transportation users to “pay” for their rides on the tram (ie: lots of intentional freeloaders)—as they used to have “conductors” who would control the purchase of transportation tickets and now they have machines.
I was actually privy to one of the “transportation inspector” raids on one of my last rides and was quite surprised at how few people actually were riding “for free” (lots of honest folk in this city!!) So as Aussie humor goes (and it oh-so-reminds me of the cynical and dry British humor), they have these beautifully crafted signs everywhere and this one in particular makes me laugh to no end!!
They are absolutely hilarious!! These guys have me rolling ^_^ they are silly-funny people these Aussies!!
Anyway, this past weekend certainly was packed with quite an enjoyable selection of activities!!! Not only did I get to see the Roots in concert on Friday night (I am sad to say that they’ve definitely “sold out” to the mainstream programme these days—unfortunate, but alas…it happens to the “best” of us these days)…but get this: I was able to party and dance with the band members (really!!!????!! Get out!!!?!) at a place called Honkeytonks down the road, (a very awesome venue with the most un-friendliest bartenders) after the show as ?uestlove was spinning at Honks!! What a blast!!! Never thought I’d be dancin’ with DA ROOTS!?So this is my b-day!!! 32 years of life…and with an amazing group of people that I’ve met at the hostel—you certainly make “good” friends when you stay in one place for more than a week as you eat together, you wonder (and wander) together and you talk for many, many, many hours into the day and night, sharing your experiences, sharing your stories and discovering things about each other that make you so unique and human, and, the bottom line: such a savvy and adventurous travelers!
Yuki (Japanese chef) even baked me a cake!!!!…and I, I cooked all of us the healthiest (organic) meal as it was the easiest way to hang out with most of us “broke-arse” backpackers (or some of us are just saving $$ to spend on more expensive adventures than an evening “out”).
All I asked of people that night was that they bring wine to the table, share a meal, many (many) laughs and a fabulous bday—something I never imagined happening, being that I am in a foreign country with no friends to really call my “own”. But as all things go with me as of late, and because I am “blessed” with such amazing kharma with acute skills to find the “gems” wherever I go: I found great people who ate with me, went out with me and danced with me on on Aug 6th!!! How lucky am I??
I am now in Sydney...3 days later than I had originally planned--so guess what: I IN LOVE WITHI MELBOURNE!!! I can't wait to go back there and plant my feet down for a little while. Live with the locals and pretend to be Melbournian ^_^
I am in Sydney for 3 days to meet up with a few traveling folks (and Brad, my first Aussie host)...and then I am off to Byron's Bay, a beach community area where hopefully it might be "warmer" as my body is really starting to miss the "summer" that I am missing here in the Southern Hemisphere (I know, it's coming, it's coming!!! And believe me, I'm excited!!!). It apparently was snowing in parts of Melbourne yesterday with a cold front that has been sweeping across the East. But with my luck, I will travel a 500Kms NORTH, and it will be hot and gorgeous! Ah...yes, but first: I am going to go check out Hunter Valley!
Remie, leave it to you to go to a strange country and make all these friends who will throw you a party on your birthday and bake you a cake. I'm glad you had a fun birthday :)
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