The strange and the beautiful
For about 5 minutes on Wed, I looked up into the sky and couldn’t believe that someone was spending the time and money to spell out “sin”…by plane!!! But if you look closely, there are beginnings of another letter after the “n”…so no, as baffling (albeit it, not as surprising as it could have been), it is not some ultra-religious-wing propaganda rather, the indoctrinations of some other form of organization. Didn’t stick around long enough to find out “what” the final message was though:
Bathroom art (again): ahhhh, yes, as far as creative washroom design go, this one I found in Bondi Beach last night really made me feel the “jungle fever”—making me want to dance around and wash my hands to the rhythm of the drums (or the flushing of toilets—and “no” I still haven’t checked out the “direction of flush”…but it’s really on my list of things to do!! I swear!). I simply can’t convey to you how much these Aussie folks take pride in their washrooms (I may have enough pictures by the end of my trip to put together a bathroom-book of wonderful photos!!! You think it would sell millions???) and how much I enjoy discovering all of them! Well, certainly I have already posted about 4 pictures in my blog, so you’re beginning to see what catches my eye and captivates my attention!
There are so many perspectives to the city-scape of Sydney: from above (the tower), from the harbor, from the west and this last one from the east:
I am staying in pottspoint/kingscross area until the end of the weekend, discovering all the tucked away beautiful neighborhoods that hide behind the busy streets!! I take back my first impressions on Sydney as being a city that I wouldn’t want to live in; there are certainly parts that are livable and very enjoyable. 'Just don’t think I could afford any of them!
And finally, I had a bit of the OZ meets Spain evening last night:
On both ends are Spaniards (one that I met in Melbourne and the other just arrived into Sydney a few days ago).
In the middle are my token Aussie friends (Brad—having hosted me at the very beginning and Shona, a girl I met in the hostel from Melbourne). They are hard to find, these Aussie folks as they do not live in the places where I have been staying. But in due time, I will find them!! I just have to start living and breathing in the same parts of life as they are!! But regardless, these are good times shared with really wonderful people!
Tonight, we are having a “Spanish” party at the hostel with many other folks that I have met in Melbourne who are passing through Sydney! The traveling community can be so small and so incredibly "active"—but what really amazes me is the like-mindedness that binds us all together! This unspoken bond of wanting to discover and experience other cultures and people!! It's an instant bridge that allows you to communicate with people on a level that is so refreshing and like no other!!
It surely is a topic worth writing about a lot more in the future but certainly an endeavor undertaken by many others throughout history already!! I suppose the beauty of it in the present time, is that you can make it so accessible to everyone in the world at just a keyboard stroke!
Cheers, mates!
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